1Qi™ Training Programs
“A Modern Approach to Ancient Healing Methods”
Certifications Available In:
Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi Trainer Certifications
- 200 hour
- 300 hour
- 500 hour
50 Hour Trainings (for personal growth or to build your 200 hour Certification)
- Spring 1Qi™ Qigong Method
- Summer 1Qi™ Therapeutic Tai Chi Method
- Fall 1Qi™ Qi Strength & Balance Method
- Winter 1Qi™ Deep Healing & Meditation Method
20 Hour Trainings (for personal growth or to build your 300 hour Certification)
- The Horse, The Dragon & The 10,000 Things Method
- 1Qi™ Get Rooted Qi Walking & Foot Health
- 1Qi™ Strength, Posture & Balance
- The Warrior Within
- The Goddess Within
- Advanced Wellness Spa Massage
- Qi-Preneur: Business for Mind/Body Practitioners
1Qi™ ~ Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi Teacher Training Programs

Since 1991, Deborah Adams has brought wellness into the lives of many through massage therapy, personal training and movement. She has trained hundreds of massage therapists in advanced therapeutic techniques and thousands of people in Qigong and Tai Chi, dance, weight training, and wellness practices. Deborah created 1QI™ Training Programs as “A Modern Approach to Ancient Healing Methods” with the help of a variety of qualified Trainers and Experts in their field, to give this teacher training program a unique quality not found in other similar programs. 1QI™ let’s you build your teacher training program at your own pace and with your own specialties in mind. Once you’ve completed your 1QI™ 200-hour certification, you can continue with a 300-hour Advanced or 500-hour Alchemist Teacher certification.
During 1QI™ trainings you will learn authentic Qigong and Therapeutic Tai Chi knowledge and practices from our expert teachers, who create a bridge between the traditional and the modern scientific approach. Whether your goal is to teach Qigong and Therapeutic Tai Chi professionally or to deepen your personal practice, our teacher training will give you a strong foundation and prepare you for your Qi journey. Our mission is to provide authentic knowledge of ancient healing methods while giving each individual personal attention, space to learn and grow, and easy-to-understand instruction and guidance to not only learn about your own specialties and strengths, but to feel confident enough to be able to teach and share your skills with others.
200 Hour Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi Teacher Training

Our 200 hour training creates an important foundation for you to start your journey as a Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi teacher. In this course you will learn all the necessary skills to start teaching professionally, add to your current yoga, dance, or therapy classes, or use as a course to deepen your own personal practice and growth. This foundational course will help you to understand the principles of teaching Qigong and Therapeutic Tai Chi; easy-to-learn and do forms, core principals of breath, movement and meditation, methods on how to teach, business tools to get you started, help in creating and structuring a class or program for your potential students or customer.
1Qi™ programs are designed with the adult student, and their lifestyle, in mind. Our programs use the familiarity of ‘seasons’ as a guide to our teacher training courses, allowing the student to start any season of the course, at any time, giving students flexibility to their training and completion date. Each ‘season of training’ is 50 hours in length and is taught in a 5-day training course or 2- 25-hour 3-day immersion trainings. Each ‘season’ specializes in a particular focus of Qigong and Therapeutic Tai Chi, but do not necessarily need to build on one another to progress, rather they all flow together clearly, no matter where you begin. Once you’ve completed all 4 of the seasons, you will have a thorough understanding and comprehension of the principals of breath, movement, and meditation and the business and teaching skills needed to make any aspiring teacher confident in whatever setting they choose to teach in.
300 Hour Advanced Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi Teacher Training

For graduates of our 200 hour training, we offer a 300 hour Advanced Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi Teacher Training certification. This multi-style training helps you to take your own practice to the next level and develop more advanced teaching skills by broadening your awareness of Qi and the principals of Chinese medicine, movement and a deeper therapeutic value to your teaching and understanding. To meet the additional 100 hours of training which we call our ‘Second Spring’ of training, you can choose the specialty area you want to focus on through one of our 1Qi™ teacher trainers. These courses vary in length of time and locations to offer you more flexibility and freedom in building your 300 hour Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi certification.
500 Hour Alchemist Teacher Certification

For graduates of our 300 hour Advanced Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi Teacher Training certification, we offer a 500 hour Alchemist Teacher Certification that defines you as a top teacher in the 1Qi™ training affiliation and is a way to truly establish and set you apart from other training programs. Working towards and earning your ‘Alchemist’ certification demonstrates to organizations and companies that you have put in your time as not only a teacher of Qigong and Therapeutic Tai Chi, but that you have deepened your own personal self into becoming the ‘keeper’ of your own health and wellness through the powers of connecting to and working with the energy and healing powers within our own self to make ourselves healthy and well and be an example to others around us and to those we teach. To meet the additional 200 hours of training, you can choose the specialty area you want to focus on through one of our 1Qi™ teacher trainers or apply some of your previously earned courses and trainings from outside teachers or training schools to use towards your Alchemist certification*. You will also be required to do the following:
- Attend at least 2 specific 1Qi™ specialty courses at a minimum of 25 hours each
- Demonstrate you are a ‘Qi-preneur’ with online business connection
- Show proof of creation of your own Free ‘Community’ Class project and at least one year of weekly or bi-weekly class attendance
- Show at least 100 hours of Qigong and Therapeutic Tai Chi teaching
50 Hour ‘Spring’ Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi Teacher Training

Our five day, 50 hour, ‘Spring’ Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi teacher training is often the first course in the 1Qi™ ‘4-seasons’ training approach in which you will learn the fundamentals of participating in and teaching Qigong. In order to understand how our human body physically and mentally changes with the practice of Qigong, you will learn basic anatomy and physiology, core principals of Chinese medicine and our energy body, and how something as simple as breath and meditation can have a huge impact of our overall health and wellness. You will learn our 16 Qigong form which connects you to nature and helps reconnect your body to the world around you. Our 50 hour teacher training provides daily teaching practice to help you understand the methods and structures for effective teaching. This course is also accessible for anyone that wants to learn to deepen their own Qigong practice.
The ‘Spring’ training includes:
- Introduction to Qigong and core principals of breath, movement and meditation
- Warm-up routine and stretches
- Voice yoga techniques and self-massage through tapping and acupressure
- 16 Qigong Medical Yin Yang Form
- 5 Qigong 1Qi™ Spring Form
- Medicine Wheel Practice
- Basic Anatomy & Physiology
- Learning ‘How to’ teach people & receive feedback
- Start gaining tools for your business and marketing toolbox
- 2 hours of actual hands-on teaching time
NOTE: If you are taking the ‘Spring’ course toward your 200-hour Teacher Trainer certification, it does not matter which order you take the sessions in, we only suggest you follow the seasons pattern, but it does not affect your learning if done in a different order.
50 Hour ‘Summer’ Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi Teacher Training

Our five day, 50 hour, ‘Summer’ Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi teacher training is often the second course in the 1Qi™ ‘4-seasons’ training approach. ‘Summer’ focuses on activity and movement with the focus on Tai Chi, learning weight shifting of your body, balance exercises, and working with your breath while moving. To understand how your body physically moves, we will incorporate kinesiology and look at movement from a dancer’s point-of-view, giving you easy ways to learn Tai Chi steps and tips and unique techniques with foot work to help you look and feel graceful while you feel the Qi flow. The 1Qi™ Therapeutic Tai Chi is NOT traditional Tai Chi. Though we use many of the movements and parts of traditional forms, it is designed to be very user-friendly, easy to learn (and teach) with the focus on healing your body, calming your mind and reconnecting you’re your spirit.
The ‘Summer’ training includes:
- Warm-up routine and stretches
- Qigong Exercises for Balance
- Tai Chi Walking, Cat Walk, Bruce Lee Walking, Bu Zheng Walking, Meditative Roll
- 1Qi™ Therapeutic Tai Chi Form
- Adaptive 1Qi™ Therapeutic Tai Chi Options for Seniors, Children & Special Needs
- 5 Qigong 1Qi™ Summer Form
- Basic Anatomy & Kinesiology
- Learning Leadership and Communication Skills for teaching
- 2 hours of actual hands-on teaching time
NOTE: If you are taking the ‘Summer’ course toward your 200-hour Teacher Trainer certification, it does not matter which order you take the sessions in, we only suggest you follow the seasons pattern, but it does not affect your learning if done in a different order.
50 Hour ‘Fall’ Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi Teacher Training

Our five day, 50 hour, ‘Fall’ Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi teacher training is often the third course in the 1Qi™ ‘4-seasons’ training approach with the introduction of strength and conditioning as part of your Qigong and Tai Chi forms. Our signature 1Qi™ hand weights are used to not only strengthen your upper body, spine and arms, but also improve core strength and overall balance. Great Falls Prevention option for seniors or for recovery and rehabilitation from injuries. Breath practice, meditation and massage with stretches will be incorporated into the strengthening Qigong practices to give learners a variety of ways to teach this specialized information as well as new breath practices to promote internal empowerment building. We will address the “Business of Qi” to help you learn ways to market Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi to students, clients, patients or businesses.
The ‘Fall’ training includes:
- Core and extremity warm-ups and stretching exercises
- Warrior Breath and Sighs Matters Breath Practices
- Extremity massage and acupressure
- 1Qi™ Therapeutic Tai Chi Power Form
- Adaptive 1Qi™ Therapeutic Tai Chi Options for Seniors, Children & Special Needs
- 5 Qigong 1Qi™ Fall Form
- Anatomy of muscular-skeletal system as it pertains to Power Form
- ‘Business of Qi’ marketing and customer acquisition and retention
- 2 hours of actual hands-on teaching time
NOTE: If you are taking the ‘Fall’ course toward your 200-hour Teacher Trainer certification, it does not matter which order you take the sessions in, we only suggest you follow the seasons pattern, but it does not affect your learning if done in a different order.
50 Hour ‘Winter’ Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi Teacher Training

Our five day, 50 hour, ‘Winter’ Qigong & Therapeutic Tai Chi teacher training is often the fourth and/or last course in the 1Qi™ ‘4-seasons’ 200-hour training certification. ‘Winter’ focuses on internal healing and regeneration for overall health, wellness and stress-healing. Tap into natural medicine within as you learn Qigong and Meditation to strengthen your immune system, lower blood pressure and improve resiliency. Learn seated forms of slow, repeating moving meditations for deep relaxation. Improve your step with our signature 1Qi™ Get Rooted foot health training to teach you ways to help people of all ages improve foot flexibility, strength and pain. Calm your entire body through face and head massage while we focus on brain plasticity and ways to create new neuropathways to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. We will help you become a ‘Qi-preneur’ and turn your passion into profit by discovering ways to make your Qi and your money flow.
The ‘Winter’ training includes:
- Meditative warm-ups and breath work
- 1Qi™ Get Rooted Foot Health Training
- Seated Meditation Forms for Deep Healing and Relaxation
- 5 Qigong 1Qi™ Winter Form
- Basic Physiology of internal systems of the body as they pertain to Qigong
- Face and Head massage
- Neuroplasticity and Stimulating Qigong Brain Exercises
- Qi-preneur business training to turn your passion into profit
- 2 hours of actual hands-on teaching time
NOTE: If you are taking the ‘Winter’ course toward your 200-hour Teacher Trainer certification, it does not matter which order you take the sessions in, we only suggest you follow the seasons pattern, but it does not affect your learning if done in a different order.